Product Overview
Half a pound (0.5lbs) of sterilized USDA Organic rye berries in a glass jar.
Rye has been enriched with a house blend of vitamins and calcium for added nutrition.
A propietary Earth's Tongue re-usuable lid with dual 0.2 micron filters, gasket, and injector site is included with this new version of our Rye Jars.
Rye grain has been a substrate of choice for many years amongst mushroom cultivators wordwide due to the availability of good quality organic grains.
Rye can be used to grow basically any species of mushrooms.
Whole grain rye contains a very nutritious base for mycelium, helping to promote strong healthy threads.
All you have to do is inject through the rubber injector site with your favorite spores.
Colonizes EXTREMELY fast!
Whole grain rye cannot be used to fruit directly from, therefore it is recommended to be used by the slightly more advanced cultivator. Any of our pre-sterilized casing soils work well with rye.
The colonized rye can also be transfered into more grain bags to multiply spawn (mycelium) very quickly before then transfering to bulk substrate like our casing soils or it can also be cased using a classic msuhroom casing technique.
Doing grain to grain transfers saves a lot of time and spores (or culture) due to the fact that mycelium is already strong and multiplying at a very fast rate, so at the point of transfering colonization can be expected within days instead of weeks. We always recommend an optimal ratio of 1 part mycelium (spawn) to 3 parts bulk substrate (additional grain, casing soil or compost). This is specially true when transfering to a casing mix.